The Impact of Training and Development on Employees Job Performance in an Organization

The Impact of Training and Development on Employees Job Performance in an Organization

The Impact of Training and Development on Employees Job Performance in an Organization


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Abstract on The Impact of Training and Development on Employees Job Performance in an Organization

This study on the impact of training and development on employee’s job performance in an organization focused on federal polytechnic Nekede Owerri imo state. The study used descry design techniques. The population of the study consisted of 500 staff of the organization while yaro yemen formula was used to determine the sample size. both primary and secondary source of data were used while a 18- item structured questionnaire was the main instrument of data  collection, the research question was analyzed with sample percentage and the query table. The major findings of the study were that training has an impact on job performance and productivity. It was concluded that training should be given a fundamental attention for new organizational members. It was recommended that training standard should be set and strictly followed so a workers performance can be improved.

Chapter one on The Impact of Training and Development on Employees Job Performance in an Organization



Training and development are very essential to very employee for effective performance in the achievement of an organization set goal and objectives. The operation of all organization whether large medium or small competent personnels. Organization effort and training an employee aid the employee to acquire the skill resulted to the execution of the function for which he or her or she was employed, as individual join an organization or begin a new job, they bring with them teor own exception desire   motive prejudices beliefs skill values assumption, steer as types and creaser idiosyncrasies, as well as other types of behavior. Training generally is intended to reduce this individual differences experience that will help people to perform in one effectively in their present or future jobs.

According to Bottomly (1988), training is seen as the acquisition of skills and knowledge relevant to job performance.  Training described as those activities, which are designed to improve performance on the job, Weney and Lathan (1981), defined training as a planned effort by an organization of facilitates on the part of it’s employee the aim of training is to either introduce new behavior or modify the existing behavior so that a particular and identified kind of behavior will result (Nadler 1970), development on it’s own as defined by Akanwa (1997:32), is one ability to understand and interprets knowledge rather than importance a body of serial facts, development is therefore concern with employees personal growth manager can develop skill like good listening ability to read and analyze, ( that is acquisitions of skills) it fasters the manager analytical and conceptual abilities it is composed of activities concerned with enhancing the capability of the employee for continuing growth in the organization the purpose or enhance an employee responsibilities with relative efficiency and effectiveness. it deals with activities undertaken to expose an employee to position of importance in an organizational hierarchy from the definition above, we have seen what training and development which is the actually the efficient of organization goals, the need of training and development manpower can be referred to in the case of industrialized country which have attain high level of organizationalized and technological advancement despite their mineral and natural resources (Nwachukwu 1988) which the above expectation it has been clearly show that the largely determined by the quality of the country’s work force the availability of training managers technical and other categories of skilled personnel’s  posing locational and technical knowledge to understand efficient production and administration activities.




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