The Evaluation of Accounting Control System in Nigeria

The Evaluation of Accounting Control System in Nigeria

The Evaluation of Accounting Control System in Nigeria


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Chapter one on The Evaluation of Accounting Control System in Nigeria



In Nigeria today there is a great need to peer inside the accounting control system of computerized industries, as this action will involve the ratification and the testing of the enterprise control system with special regards to how the industries is operated upon as well as to ensure the effectiveness of the enterprises accounting system. However, the regulation of business activities under an efficient system of accounting control may obviate the necessity of protracted detail work by auditors with beneficial result for all the parties concerned.This is because is real life, situations especially with regards to case of fraud and errors in organizations most of the time without the best of intentions may still intentionally or unintentionally make mistake. It is not surprising however that inmost brewing industries there are cases o stock losses mis-appropriation of funds, embezzlement. Even though there no “prima-facie” evidence of crime being committed, yet the fact and figures of fraud both in private and public sectors are not today’s standard truly staggering in the world. The individual components or internal control system as know as “control or internal control, these control enable internal check to be placed on result of all.


In the present century, the information system has improved tremendously owing to advancement technology. The introduction of the electronic computer has provided electro-mechanical capabilities for the recording, reproduction, analysis for effective management of the accounting and business world cannot be over-emphasized if management report are to serve any meaningful purpose they have to be produced on time.          
Having a computer system alone is not enough as there has to be effective management team monitor the affairs of the organization.More so, there are also need for internal control system which becomes the possibilities of errors and fraud occurring  is greater in computer system than manual system.




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