The Effect of Advertising on Sales Volume in a Manufacturing Industry
The Effect of Advertising on Sales Volume in a Manufacturing Industry
Abstract of The Effect of Advertising on Sales Volume in a Manufacturing Industry
The Effect of Advertising on Sales Volume in a Manufacturing Industry
The Effect of Test Marketing on Product Innovation Abstract of The Effect of Test Marketing on Product Innovation This research was carried out to investigate the effect of test marketing on product innovation in markson chemical industry limited at Onitsha. The term test marketing on product innovation is a great importance to any profit…
The Impact of Product Advertisement on Sales Volume of Companies Chapter One of The Impact of Product Advertisement on Sales Volume of Companies INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Advertising is one of the four promotional tools companies use to direct persuasive communications to consumers or buyers and the general public. Advertising policy constitutes such…
Trade Fair as an Instrument of Promotion Locally Manufactured Goods Abstract of Trade Fair as an Instrument of Promotion Locally Manufactured Goods This study which is on trade fair as an instrument the promoting manufactured goods in enugu metropolis, (A case study of asbestors sheet made by emenite Nigeria limited) was carried out due …
Automatic in Business Organization Abstract of Automatic in Business Organization The role of management for any business enterprise is to maximize their shareholder, decrease the level of labour and maximize profit. In view of this, the implementation and application of automation in the running of the business is a necessity owing to the fact…
The Effect of Radio Advertising on Consumer Purchasing Decision Chapter One of The Effect of Radio Advertising on Consumer Purchasing Decision INTRODUCTION. Organization and individual are faced almost with the problems of having to make decisions. The decision making process is made difficult by the presence of uncertainty concerning the surrounding environment. For consumer,…
The Effect of Custom and Excise Service on Importation to Nigeria Economic Development Chapter One of The Effect of Custom and Excise Service on Importation to Nigeria Economic Development INTRODUCTION The country’s level of development is highly measured by the level of economic buoyancy which can be predetermining by the importation and exportation sector…