The Design of a 500 Watts Uninterruptible Power Supply With Voltage Low Indicator [inverter]
The Design of a 500 Watts Uninterruptible Power Supply With Voltage Low Indicator [inverter]
The Design of a 500 Watts Uninterruptible Power Supply With Voltage Low Indicator [inverter]
Design and Construction of Voltage Inverter System With Trickle Charging System Table of Content on Design and Construction of Voltage Inverter System With Trickle Charging System Title Page Approval Page Dedication Acknowledgment Abstract Table of Contents CHAPTER ONE Introduction Most Essential Circuit in the Device Transformer Oscillator Pre ” Amp Automatic Control Unit Charging…
Design and Construction of a 3-phasea Automatic Power Change Over With Generator Set Switching Facility Chapter One of Design and Construction of a 3-phasea Automatic Power Change Over With Generator Set Switching Facility INTRODUCTION The evolutionary trend in industrial electronics and automation has engulfed all parts of the world and proved more challenging to…
Construction of a Stepdown Transformer With Multi Outputs Chapter One of Construction of a Stepdown Transformer With Multi Outputs INTRODUCTION A transformer is a magnetically coupled coil used in transmission of an electric power. This coil may be electrically link, but not electrically linked as in two winding transformer. It consists of primary winding…
Design and Implementation of a Wireless Car Security Device System Abstract of Design and Implementation of a Wireless Car Security Device System Car security systems are still of no match to the well-equipped thieves. It is just a matter of seconds to break through the system. This project introduces and describes the design of…
To Develop Mathematical Models for Power Losses Along Transmission Lines and to Minimize the Losses Using Classical Optimization Techniques Abstract of To Develop Mathematical Models for Power Losses Along Transmission Lines and to Minimize the Losses Using Classical Optimization Techniques Availability of electric power has been the most powerful vehicle for facilitating economic, industrial…
Design and Construction of Automatic Fence Light Controller Abstract of Design and Construction of Automatic Fence Light Controller The very fundamental reasons behind this project assignment is to expose student to the very important aspect of private and independent research work not only theories but also subsequent translation of the theoretical research work into…