The Design and Implementation of an Electronic Sign Pattern Display
The Design and Implementation of an Electronic Sign Pattern Display
The Design and Implementation of an Electronic Sign Pattern Display
Design and Construction of Mini Radio Broadcast Transmitter and Audio Console Using Frequency Modulation Fm With Power Rating of 1 Watt Abstract of Design and Construction of Mini Radio Broadcast Transmitter and Audio Console Using Frequency Modulation Fm With Power Rating of 1 Watt The early transmitter for radio broadcasting is so big and…
Design and Construction of an Fm Wireless Microphone Abstract of Design and Construction of an Fm Wireless Microphone This project intended to simplify the description and working principle of FM wireless microphone, which works on a fixed frequency modulation (FM) band. Chapter One of Design and Construction of an Fm Wireless Microphone INTRODUCTION …
Design and Implementation of Automatic Three Phase Selector Switch Abstract of Design and Implementation of Automatic Three Phase Selector Switch Automatic 3 phase selector switch is a replacement of 3 phase manual change over cut fuse from one cut out to another. Automation 3 phase selector switch has an input of 3 phases from…
The Design and Construction of 2000watt Inverter Abstract of The Design and Construction of 2000watt Inverter This project carried out is the construction of 2KVA inverter. It is an Electrical /Electronic device that is used to convert direct current (DC) to alternating current AC, which possible lead to power supply enhancement to the society….
Design and Implementation of Intruder Detector Alarm System With Location Chapter One of Design and Implementation of Intruder Detector Alarm System With Location INTRODUCTION Background of the Study The industrial Electronics has changed the whole field of Engineering and technology is occurring so rapidly, even in developing countries. It is so because newer technologies overcome older ones. After…
Designing and Constructing of an Automated Light System Using Photo-sensitive Switch Chapter One of Designing and Constructing of an Automated Light System Using Photo-sensitive Switch INTRODUCTION GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Industrial electronics has turned the whole world into a global village. One of the most indispensable aspects of these phenomena is automation, which…