The Design and Construction of a 40 Watt Hi-fi Amplifier

The Design and Construction of a 40 Watt Hi-fi Amplifier

The Design and Construction of a 40 Watt Hi-fi Amplifier

Abstract of The Design and Construction of a 40 Watt Hi-fi Amplifier

The early transmitter for radio broadcasting is so big and bulky that they do occupy numerous spaces. The circuitries are mainly designed with valves, which are big in sizes.

With the advent of semiconductor materials such as transistors electronic equipment are now becoming miniaturized such that small transmitters are now becoming handy and compact.

In line with this we choose to design a complete radio broadcasting equipment tat is compact and existence of semiconductor materials.

The system units are of two categories namely: audio console for the processing and mixing of musicals is basically a condenser microphone.

The transmitter unit is where the center frequency is provided. All these were designed to be in compact and small manner. This project is aimed at serving a community using a small and compact radio broadcasting equipment with a power watt of 1 watt a community of 1 kilometer in radius should be covered comfortable and the audio production very clear unlike the common noisy FM microphone project.


Chapter One of The Design and Construction of a 40 Watt Hi-fi Amplifier


High power amplifier are usually quite costly and usually beyond the easy reach of most audio enthusiastic (and Hi-Fi  buffs) who then have to remain satisfied with those small 6 watt amplifiers. Well, with this introduction to us and to electronics, things should change. Well this low cost Hi-Fi amplifier that delivers ear chatting and thundering output of an unbelievable forty watts. The unique features of this circuit are.

Low cost – The basic criteria

Compact size

Very low transient noise on “power on” and low THO

Effective Bass and treble controls

Automatic thermal shut down system it switches off the amplifier in case of overheating

Load damp protection in built.

The circuit uses a high power amplifier chip viz the LA 4440. the circuit is quite self explanatory. The input is coupled by a small value capacitor. The output is taken through a block terminal and fed to the speaker.

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