Sustainable Consumption and the Importance of Neighbourhood.
Sustainable Consumption and the Importance of Neighbourhood.
Sustainable Consumption and the Importance of Neighbourhood.
Sanitation Practices and Implication on Students Health Abstract of Sanitation Practices and Implication on Students Health Sanitation practice implication on students health in Enugu State College of Education (Technical) has been the desire of every right thinking for good health of both the students and lecturers in the above school. The purposes of this…
Factors Militating Against Effective Environmental Sanitation Chapter One of Factors Militating Against Effective Environmental Sanitation INTRODUCTION In its modern concept, environment includes not only water, air and soil but the social and economic condition under which we live (Park, 2011). The key to mans health lie largely on his environment. Infact, much of mans’…
Percevied Effects of Polluted Surface Water on the Health of the Residents Abstract of Percevied Effects of Polluted Surface Water on the Health of the Residents The study focused on the effect of polluted surface water on the health of the resident in Ado-Odo/Ota local government Area. Water quality is an essential ingredient of healthy…
Impact of Marine Pollution on Shipping Operation in the South-south Geopolitical Zone Chapter One of Impact of Marine Pollution on Shipping Operation in the South-south Geopolitical Zone INTRODUCTION Background of the study The internationally recognized definition for the marine environment was developed by Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection…
Assessment of Tourists Perception of the Yankari Game Reserve as a Tourist Destination Abstract of Assessment of Tourists Perception of the Yankari Game Reserve as a Tourist Destination The study assessed the Yankari Games Reserve as a tourist destination by investigating the perception of the tourists who patronize it. The assessment used indicators including…
Housing as an Aspect of Socio Policy Making (a Study of River State Abstract of Housing as an Aspect of Socio Policy Making (a Study of River State Housing is a process which makes the act of dwelling possible. In effect, the term, housing includes the house itself and the total surrounding environment with…