Strategies for Changing Undesirable Classroom Behaviour

Strategies for Changing Undesirable Classroom Behaviour

Strategies for Changing Undesirable Classroom Behaviour


Abstract of Strategies for Changing Undesirable Classroom Behaviour

The study entitled “Strategies for changing undesirable classroom behaviour in secondary school in Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State”, had the aim of identifying the strategies for changing undesirable classroom behaviours of secondary school students in Enugu North Local Government Area. For the purpose of this study, the sample consists of 5% of the entire secondary school students population, which is 13,667 students, which resulted to 100 students, from the nine secondary school in Enugu North Secondary School, in Enugu State.

Data were collected through questionnaire instrument and analysis was carried out, the researcher developed questionnaire for the students, it is called “strategies for changing undesirable classroom behavior rating”(SCUCBR). The instrument is made up of section A and B, to answer the research questions the responses of students were tallied and their mean scores and standard deviation calculated. The decision has been determined using the cut-off mark of 2.50. The researcher used the Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient method to estimate and analyze the data collected. It was upon this findings of the study which essentially revealed the undesirable classroom behaviours of secondary school students in Enugu North Local Government Area, and the various strategies employed by secondary school teachers for changing the undesirable classroom behaviours, and factors that hinder the successful implementation of these strategies for modifying undesirable classroom behaviours, and through this recommendations were made.

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