Impact of Total Quality Management on Organizational Performance

 Impact of Total Quality Management on Organizational Performance

Impact of Total Quality Management on Organizational Performance


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Abstract on Impact of Total Quality Management on Organizational Performance

This study evaluated Total Quality management as a means improving organizational performance. First Bank of Nigeria Aba, was used as a case study. Primary and secondary source were used. Questionnaire and interview were used as instrument of data collection. The population was 100. Tables and percentages were used for data presentation and interpretations while satisfied the data analysis revealed that TQM has a positive role to play in the performance of organization. This is obvious because is an improvement concept for increase in customer satisfaction. Base on the findings, the researcher recommends amongst others the implement active of TQM should be adopted by all companies to forecast quantitative service. It also recommended that management motivate loyal workforce for corporate stability and reduction of employee turnover.

Chapter one on Impact of Total Quality Management on Organizational Performance



Over the years, many organization especially in Abia state have been  suffering from ineffective redundancy and unproductively following the inability of the management of such organizations to subject their enterprise to Total Quality  management (TQM). Total Quality management is an improvement program which provides tools and techniques for continuous improvement based on facts and analysis and if properly implemented. Thus, it is defined as an integrated system of principles, methods and best practices that provides a framework for organization to strive for excellent in everything they do.

As noted by Alugbo, it is generally accepted that TQM was perfected by the Japanese through the quality circles concept in the early 1950s after world war II. Alugbo cited Rampey and Robert (1992:4) definition TQM as a people focused manage system that aims at continual increase in customer satisfaction at continually lower cost.

It works horizontally across function and department involving all employee from top to bottom and extends backward and forward including the supply chain and their customer and TQM drives its strength on the continuous need to satisfy, customers it is not a trial  and error method, neither it is not a cook book affirm but a structured system for satisfying internal  and external shareholders by integrating the business environment, continuous improvement and breakthrough with development and maintenance cycles while below are the basic steps to TQM.




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