Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Profitability and Corporate Image of a Private Organization “a Survey of Some Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria

Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Profitability and Corporate Image of a Private Organization “a Survey of Some Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria

Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Profitability and Corporate Image of a Private Organization “a Survey of Some Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria


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Abstract on Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Profitability and Corporate Image of a Private Organization “a Survey of Some Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria

Social critics have noted the failure of organizations to put in place socially responsible ways and also to observe the areas of social commitment of business organizations. This enormous pressure from various interest groups has come to bear on business organizations to identify with corporate social performance and to solve those social problems relating to the areas in which they are intimately involved through their problem solving capabilities.

Modern business organizations especially the manufacturing companies are largely constrained by over competitions and profit to exhibit this sense of social responsibility even though such problem could turned to business opportunities.

Since most business organizations of today now use social responsibility to improve image, make profit and survive, a broad explanation of what corporate social performance is all about, its dimensional involvement, limitations, how it could be improved upon as well as its relevance to the individual organizations and the society at large will be highlighted in this study as outlined in the following chapters.

Chapter one of the study is on the introduction and problem definition of what the write up is all about. It gives insight into the areas of corporate social performance of business organizations with particular reference to private organization MTN firms. This Chapter also states the scope of the study, research questions and hypotheses, limitation of the study as well as significance of the study.

Chapter Two discusses relevant literature assertions which express views of other writers and authors comparing their varying ideas about the same topic.

Chapter Three deals with the research methodology, various information on data collection methods and description of the study population, sampling technique, description of the data collection instrument as well as he coding procedure for all the variables used in the study.

Chapter Four emphasizes on the presentation and analysis of data collected. It also presents the testing of the hypothesis through the use of statistical techniques which would lead to taking a position as to whether or not there in a significant relationship between corporate social responsibilities practice and organizational effectiveness.

Chapter Five presents findings of the study, summary of the findings made, conclusion and recommendation and also suggestions for further studies drawn based on findings obtained from the study.





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Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Profitability and Corporate Image of a Private Organization “a Survey of Some Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria research paper, should only be used as a guide.

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