Effective Communication as a Tools for Determining Employee’s Job Performance (a Case Study of Crusader Insurance Nigeria Plc)

Effective Communication as a Tools for Determining Employee’s Job Performance (a Case Study of Crusader Insurance Nigeria Plc)

Effective Communication as a Tools for Determining Employee’s Job Performance (a Case Study of Crusader Insurance Nigeria Plc)


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Chapter One of Effective Communication as a Tools for Determining Employee’s Job Performance (a Case Study of Crusader Insurance Nigeria Plc)



Leadership is a very crucial factor in the management process and means influence on the behaviour of other in order to achieve organizational purpose or goals.  Communication which is the mean through which task and recourse needed to carry out an assignment.  The roles and duties are transferred by information a massage from one involves communication, research has shown that 232 technical employees of a research organization spent 61% of their hour work day in these activities; speaking and listening – 35%, writing – 16 and reading – 10% which is not less in our present day environment (Rogers and Roethlisherger 1952).

Indeed, human resources remains the most important asset of any organization and should be well informed, trained and motivated so as to use all other resources resourcefully.  When a human being is well informed, trained and motivated, he is capable of achieving higher productivity.  For the success of any productivity or job, performance programme depends on human innovative for management to look more closely into the human factor and examine what it take to maximize human endeavour towards maximum productivity or job performance improvement (Soul, 1963).

Obviously, high productivity or job performance depends upon the effectiveness of the workforce, managers must actively search for better ways of communicating, taking decisions, creating innovation and producing leadership to achieve higher productivity.  A company can long compete with its competitors when or if its has its employees on it side and incentives, wages system, training programmes, improved working condition and the likes (Bamkole, 2000)

The biggest of the management is not how to handle the machines but how to handle its workers.  This is often the most difficult to deal with not because they consist of difficult people, but because of the natural differences in  point of view tend to keep management and workers apart.  The result has be a new emphasis on the role of communication as its relates to employee’s job performance in management.  The relation of communication to management give a balance the picture of the role which information plays in building good relationship inside an organization.  One aspect of communication is the device or means which may be utilized to promote the effective exchange of information necessary to the conduct of business and transportation system for ideas and information.  The increase of the volume of information necessary for high job performance that may be transmitted makes it desirable for the natural communication instrument and opportunities present in the day to day association of people at work in order to keep them fully informed (Osiegbu 1998).

Effective communication which involves a translation of ideas or directions, command or guide into oral or written words or actions on the part of the communicator in which a manner that will transfer the ideas from the mind of the communicator to the mind of the receiver, with the aim that the latter will react in a manner as envisaged by the former

(Akiyemi,  1981), is required in an organization to increase the level  of understanding among various people and harmonized their effort at achieving corporate goals. This will maximize the amount of efforts being invested in the production process and is used to train the employees in order to enhance their effectiveness and efficiency. Strained employee employer relationship result from lack of understanding and poor communication workers need to be free and comfortable making innovative suggestions, clarifying any misunderstanding about them selves and their work or asking question to help them understand a procedure, an induction or other expectation on the job. freedom of speech is one of the most important emerging employee rights in the sense that is at the core of communication endeavours and many fundamentally alter work place interactions. Essentially, the role of effective communication in enhancing job performance in organizations cannot be over estimated (Bernard, 1938).

In sum, communication is a key and needed set of information that is depended upon largely for the survival, continuity progress and successfulness of any business organization.


Increasing employee productive effectiveness involves responding to the needs and wants of employees by allowing them participate or take part in the planning of their work. Building opportunities for growth into their jobs, dealing with people worth time, consideration, respect, significance and recognition, building team work and group priced; developing work-oriented employees and employer who are interested in doing their daily work well, setting appropriate work measures and goals etc. yet workers expression of dissatisfaction conflict with employers cannot be evicted (Saul, 1963).

Communication, involves a set of information sharing activities which entails keeping the employees well informed about his or her job and its environment, the quality of his or her work and stability of the company.  Introducing and maintaining effective employer – employee communication within the organization involves organizational delivery system that communicate relevant work rules, responsibilities, policies, practices and procedures, shared values and promotes a healthy organizational culture.  Thus, employee handbook, training and orientation sessions and programmes, policy manuals, staff forum, posted rules, verbal exchange, collective agreement, managerial behaviors etc are a variety of implicit and explicit media which organizations needs to re-examine, possibly improve and receive for organizational effectiveness (Paul and Kenneth, 1997).


This study is intended to show the role of effective communication in both determining and enhancing employee productivity or job performance in an organization.  Similarly, it will show the need of management to be interested in effective organizational delivery systems for communicating employee’s rights ad responsibilities company work rules, policies and practices and disciplinary procedures. 

Lastly, it will look at and evaluate the extent of employee responsibilities, communication in work setting and how an organization transmits information through its media to achieve performance.


The study would enable the organization to correct the notion that once an employee is engaged or employed, he already has a working knowledge of the organization to achieve high performance. He would need to be properly oriented trained and informed about his rights and responsibilities, disciplinary procedures. This would help his performance at work. With this study, the relationship gap that exists between the employees in organization would be covered; safety rules and standards at work would be properly maintained if specified effectively.   


This study is limited to the employees (management, senior and junior staff) of Crusader Insurance (Nigeria) Plc at the head office. Nevertheless, the company is spread throughout the country [Nigeria] at locations like Ibadan, Owerri, Benin, Kaduna, Kano, Abuja, and port-Harcourt [Imoisili 1996].



Is the state or position of being a leader. It is the ability to be a leader or the qualities a good leader should have. It is the qualities and abilities of a person with a leader charismas to direct, guide, manage and organize others. It is a crucial factor in the management process use to influence the behaviour of others to achieve organizational purpose or goals [sawyer, 1981].    


Is the means through which the task and resources needed to carry out an assignment, the roles and duties, and the expected results, are made known to the subordinates. It is the transfer of information-a message from one person to another [Bernard,1938]. Communication has to do with the act of imparting ideas and making one-self under stood by others. It is the act of inducing others to interpret an idea in the manner intended by the speaker or writer [Akinyemi, 1981]


Involves a translation of ideas or directions, command or guide, into oral or written words or actions on the part of the communicator in such a manner that will transfer the ideas from the mind of the communicator to the mind of the receiver, with the aim that the receiver, will react in a manner as envisaged by the communicator [Akinyemi, 1981]. Effective communication is the transfer of message, followed by feedback from the receiver to the sender indicating an understanding of the message [Bernard,1938].


Is the achievement of organizational objectives through leadership. It involves the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling of organizational resources in order to achieve its goals. It is the use of the resources available in an organization which includes its people, machine, raw materials and technology effectively in order to achieve organizational goal [Paul and Kenneth, 1997].The management of human resources is crucial to the growth and survival of any organization [Bankola, 2000].   


Is group of people who form a business or club together in order to achieve a particular aim.  It is the coming together of a group of people with similar aims and objectives in an arranged manner in order to achieve a set goal (Paul and Kenneth, 1997).


Is the branch of management that specifically deals with the management of people at work.  It covers the broad spectrium of the life of an employee at work right from the point of entry to the point of final exist (Bankole, 2000)


This comprises the inner drives that activate or move an individual to action.  It is what spurs an individual towards a desired behaviour.  Increased motivation can serve as a goal for which people will strive if they see that greater effort brings the increase pay and if they want the increased pay (Bankole, 2000)





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