Effect of Privatization and Commercialization of Government Owned Industries

 Effect of Privatization and Commercialization of Government Owned Industries

Effect of Privatization and Commercialization of Government Owned Industries


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Abstract on Effect of Privatization and Commercialization of Government Owned Industries

The government felt that some public sector businesses are performing below expectations. Some incurred debts, which are being repaid and serviced by the government. The government also became worried that substantial part of its capital votes were used to support public enterprises whose provision of goods and services were often expensive, inefficient and subject to political manipulation. The Federal government therefore decided to privatize and commercialize these enterprises as a way of saving and instilling the spirit of efficiency in the effected areas of enterprises. An explicit step by step procedure is to be used in the research methodology. The use of primary and secondary sources of data collection is to be applied. The research based with in Enugu metropolis. An elaboration discussion and interview with specialists and members of staff of Nigeria Breweries (NBL) is to be done. Also the use of real materials by professionals and learned men is applied. However, the research is confronted with a good number of factors which constricts the research .time being the first constricts the combination of my lectures, Assignments and personal chores is a bit furious. Money which has ordinarily constituted a hindrance is not adequately provided for the research, which needed enough cash for transportation, information and material. The protocols to be observed is not welcoming, things are unnecessary prolonged. The last and never the leastwise inadequate braise, material, research guidance and experts in the project research topic who suppose to give a professional advice. Meanwhile, I believe this research topic has a long way in reducing financial malpractice, bringing financial relief for the government, bringing productivity and quality, help raise government revenue, lesson the dominance of unproductive investments in the public sector, develop capital market and promote enterprises and industrialization etc.




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