Effect of Government Export Promotion Policies on the Development of Export Business in Nigeria (a Case Study of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council)

Effect of Government Export Promotion Policies on the Development of Export Business in Nigeria (a Case Study of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council)

Effect of Government Export Promotion Policies on the Development of Export Business in Nigeria (a Case Study of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council)


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Abstract on Effect of Government Export Promotion Policies on the Development of Export Business in Nigeria (a Case Study of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council)

The introduction of government export promotion policies in the development of the export business In Nigeria, which poses more or little threat do the export business in Nigeria. There are a lot of tasks ahead for the government of a country, but all the tasks are quite effective.

The introduction of the export promotion policies will have to experience some restrictions through the introduction of some policies. Many developer countries of the world go through this process and for this, many exporting firms now has been forced into untimely extinction. Those which still manage to rear their heads are bedecked with a host of government policy restrictions. The deregulation FOREX market resulting in the highest liquidity in the Nigeria economy, the absence of effective policy for converting easily converted debt instruments into each in the financial system. Banks can also assist this export promotion programme, either in short term loan or even in the case of technical know-how if required.

It is quite clear nowadays that the role of banks in international business and indeed export promotion is highly elastic. As one move along with this research work, chapter to chapter, all what we talk about will be revealed to you.





1.0       Introduction

1.1       Brief History of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC)

1.2              Conditions and responsibilities guiding the Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC)

1.3              History of Firms in the Sample

1.4              Export History and Performance

1.5              Significance of the study

1.6              Statement of the Problem

1.7              Scope and Limitations of Study          

1.8              Hypothesis



2.0       Literature Review      

2.1       Literature Review      

2.2       The role of the Central Bank and Special Banks

2.3       Policy Guidelines of Commercial/Merchant Bank

2.4       External factors Affecting export growth      

2.5       Export Promotion Strategy                

2.6       Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Financing

2.7       Role of Special Banks 

2.8       Contribution of ECOWAS       

2.9       Export Proceeds         

2.10     Registration of Exporters       



3.0       Research Methodology          

3.1       A brief Outline of the Chapter           

3.2       Re-statement of Research Questions Hypothesis     

3.3       Test of Validity and Reliability

3.4       Procedure for Procession and Analyzing Collected Data

3.5       Limitations of the Methodology        



4.0       Data Analysis

4.1       A Brief Introduction of the Chapter

4.2       Classification of response and data

from primary source

4.3       Analysis of other relevant data         




5.1       Summary

5.2       Conclusion      

5.3       Recommendation; for Further Studies          


            Appendix – Questionnaire





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