Development of Adsorbents and Photocatalysts Using Nigerian Pindiga Bentonitic Clay
Development of Adsorbents and Photocatalysts Using Nigerian Pindiga Bentonitic Clay
Development of Adsorbents and Photocatalysts Using Nigerian Pindiga Bentonitic Clay
Construction of Office Table and Chairs Abstract of Construction of Office Table and Chairs Office table and chairs usually come in set of three, and are designed to fit one into another for convenient storage. Furniture of this soot should be of the highest quality, attractive in design and capable of standing up to…
A Comparative Study of Chemical and Microwave Synthesized Activated Carborn From Corn Cob Chapter One of A Comparative Study of Chemical and Microwave Synthesized Activated Carborn From Corn Cob INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF STUDY Activated carbon, also widely known as activated charcoal or activated coal is a form of carbon which has been processed to make…
Construction of Kerosene Cooking Stove Abstract of Construction of Kerosene Cooking Stove The purpose of the construction is aimed at producing heat energy for commercial use by turning liquid fuel(kerosene).the construction was successful by appropriate selection of engineering material favourably mild steel(blacksheet) and steel iron for special p2rts. The technological properties passed by the…
Design and Fabrication of Maize-on-cob Tray Dryer Abstract of Design and Fabrication of Maize-on-cob Tray Dryer This study was carried out to generate a design data, design and fabricate a maize corn-on-cob tray dryer used by maize farmers. Ripped maize corns with husks were bought from the market and preserved to retained its moisture…
Development and Use of Nonwood Plant Fibers in Pulp and Papermaking Chapter One of Development and Use of Nonwood Plant Fibers in Pulp and Papermaking INTRODUCTION HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The earlist information about usage of grasses as a writing material dates back to 3000 be in Egypt where the pressed pith tissue…
Production of Liquid and Vaporized Perfume Abstract of Production of Liquid and Vaporized Perfume This research project was carried out principally for the production of liquid and vapourized perfumes from local raw materials. The local raw material were subjected to various processing conditions in order to obtain purified perfume. The methods generally used in…