Design and Implementation of Burglar Alarm System
Design and Implementation of Burglar Alarm System
Design and Implementation of Burglar Alarm System
A Seminar Report on Circuit Breakers Abstract of A Seminar Report on Circuit Breakers This contribution provides an overview on the common on-site test methods to ensure the safe and reliable operation of circuit breakers used in high and medium-voltage power systems. Failures on circuit breakers can generally be ascribed to defects in one…
The Construction of Laboratory Equipment for the Determination Investigation of Electrical Insulator Breakdown Abstract of The Construction of Laboratory Equipment for the Determination Investigation of Electrical Insulator Breakdown Insulation deterioration occurs on power system when insulators are subjected to abnormal stresses. Since insulators cannot resist indefinite amount of energy, with enough voltage applied, any…
The Design and Construction of an Uninterrupted Power System (Ups) Abstract of The Design and Construction of an Uninterrupted Power System (Ups) This uninterruptible power supplies device has the capability of converting from 12volts D.C to 220volts alternating current at the frequency of 50Hz with the help of a step-up transformer. The main importance…
Transformer Rewinding Machine With Digital Abstract of Transformer Rewinding Machine With Digital This project is on design and construction of transformer rewinding machine with digital counter. A coil winding machine is a machine for winding coil onto a spool, bobbin and many more. This coil winding machine is one of types of winding machine…
Contruction of an 500w Transistor Amplifier Abstract of Contruction of an 500w Transistor Amplifier The design of this 30 volt Audio Amplifier with volume, table and bass control which was done wit ht he combination of five (5) different circuit which are interconnected during or after construction. This amplifier operates with an option of…
The Construction of a Light Sensitive Alarm System Chapter One of The Construction of a Light Sensitive Alarm System INTRODUCTION The light sensitive alarm is an electronic circuit that detects a sudden shadow falling on the light sensor and sounds the bleeper. When this happens, the circuit will respond to gradual charges in brightness…