
Design and Implementation of Automatic Three Phase Selector Switch

Design and Implementation of Automatic Three Phase Selector Switch


Design and Implementation of Automatic Three Phase Selector Switch


Abstract of Design and Implementation of Automatic Three Phase Selector Switch

Automatic 3 phase selector switch is a replacement of 3 phase manual change over cut fuse from one cut out to another. Automation 3 phase selector switch has an input of 3 phases from PHCN but has one output that supply current to the load. The device monitors the voltage supply of each phase (Red, yellow and blue) when theirs power failure in a particular phase it will automatically change over to another where their is voltage supply and also monitors the amount of voltage in each phase and select the voltage that is more higher than others and give it out as a single phase power supply. Automatic 3 phase selector switch help to minimize the stress of operating a change over switch from one phase   to another manually, and also the risk of been electrocuted.



Chapter One of Design and Implementation of Automatic Three Phase Selector Switch



Initially, 3-phase voltage selector system invented manually with operating process of time wasted and inconvenience. The interest of automatic 3-phase voltage selector system is on the fact that technology advancement has made it possible to minimize cost, hard labor and time wasted, and also improves the reliability of our electrical and electronics system. Therefore with the help of electromechanical switching system through the principle of solenoid, a system has been designed such that electromechanical device like a relay and contactor is arranged to automatically change from one phase to other without human intervention. This design is of high efficiency and very accurate in its performance, this is because switching is done by automation without time delay. The 3-phase automatic voltage selector system uses reliable electrical/electronics components such as relay transformers, contactor, diode capacitor, resistor and other switching component.

The operation of this device is that when there is a failure in any of the each line thereby leading to a no output voltage, it select automatically to other phase without time delay. This project is applicable in homes, factories, corporate offices and commercial business center. This system also transfers maximum power to the load.


The objective and aim of this research is as follows:

I.                      To select automatically a voltage that is present in power line.

II.                      To avoid stress and inconvenience in selecting of phase voltage.

III.                      To build a system that can be able to choose any voltage that appear to be of high potential among other voltage.


The hindrance encountered on this research work are:

·        Financial Crises

·        High cost of material/component.

·        Research group misunderstanding

·        Physical stress

·        Miscalculation

The hindrances encountered on this research work is

Financial crises

High cost of material/component

Research groups misunderstanding

Physics stress


Financial Crises:      Financial crises will also contribute to the problem encountered on this research work, financially, the money won’t be available to buy all the component and material needed to construct this project due to human want.

High cost of material/component: Based on high cost of materials/component.

It can also be a reason for a student not to embark on this project rather, it will also look for the one it material is low.

Research group misunderstanding: In any group of people or organization there must be a dispute between them. This   can be another issue that can cause a hindrance to this research work.

Physical stress: Not everyone has the opportunity or the physical stress to embarked on this project based on time, opportunity and physical fitness.

Miscalculation: Mathematically, miscalculation can cause a problem  in a group base on financial issue.