Design and Construction of Office Complex for School of Environmental Design Technology
Design and Construction of Office Complex for School of Environmental Design Technology
Abstract of Design and Construction of Office Complex for School of Environmental Design Technology
As students of Building Technology Department in School of Environmental Design Technology in Federal Polytechnic Nekede we have gotten to the level which our faculty needs an office complex block like other faculties in other technologies. This office block contains Dean office H.O.D Chief Lecturers Senior Lecturers other Lecturers Security office conference hall toilets stores and other important things. This is to make sure that all the staffs in this faculty will be in one office block for easy location and easy to pass information. Also to unite them as one faculty. The integrated project in the design and construction of office block complex for School of Environmental Design Technology was successfully carried out with strict and close supervision of our supervisor. We recommend that the block work should be laid in stretcher bond with cement sand at the ratio of 1:6 and the hollow of concrete block should be filled with weak concrete to ensure adequate strength and rigidity.