Design and Construction of a Microcontroller Based Dot Matrix Advert Display
Design and Construction of a Microcontroller Based Dot Matrix Advert Display
Design and Construction of a Microcontroller Based Dot Matrix Advert Display
Design and Implementation of a Wireless Car Security Device System Abstract of Design and Implementation of a Wireless Car Security Device System Car security systems are still of no match to the well-equipped thieves. It is just a matter of seconds to break through the system. This project introduces and describes the design of…
Construction and Design of Police Siren Chapter One of Construction and Design of Police Siren INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW A siren is a loud noise making device. Civil defense sirens are mounted in fixed locations and used to warn of natural disasters or attacks. Sirens are used on emergency service vehicles such as ambulance, police cars…
Design of a Full Adder Circuit Chapter One of Design of a Full Adder Circuit INTRODUCTION According to the novel by Mehdi Ghasemi, Mohammad Hussein Moaiyeri, Keivan Navi, published on Jan 10, 2012. Due to high power consumption and difficulties with minimizing the CMOS transistor size, molecular electronics has been introduced as an emerging…
Construction of an Fm Transmitter Abstract of Construction of an Fm Transmitter This project work is on the construction of an F.M transmitter this system consists of four discrete modules namely the audio frequency (AF) amplifier (class A) the modulator the master oscillator and the radio frequency (RF) amplifier (ClassC) these formed the conventional…
Design and Construction of a Patient Heartbeat and Temperature Monitor Chapter One of Design and Construction of a Patient Heartbeat and Temperature Monitor INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Heartbeat rate means the number of beats per unit of time, usually expressed in beats per minute (bpm). The human heart pounds to pump oxygen-rich blood to the muscles…
Design and Construction of an Automatic Battery Charger Abc Abstract of Design and Construction of an Automatic Battery Charger Abc The practical importance of a battery charging unit in today’s world cannot be over emphasized. This is so since these batteries or accumulators are immensely needed by automobiles and in science laboratories. This thesis…