Contrastive Analysis of the Morphemes of the English and Igbo Languages
Contrastive Analysis of the Morphemes of the English and Igbo Languages
Abstract of Contrastive Analysis of the Morphemes of the English and Igbo Languages
Contrastive Analysis of the Morphemes of the English and Igbo Languages
Impact of Language Laboratory for Effective Teaching and Learning of Oral English in Junior Secondary School Abstract of Impact of Language Laboratory for Effective Teaching and Learning of Oral English in Junior Secondary School The theoretical frame work for this study was provided by the review of literature was also prepared to enable the…
The Performance of English Language Learners (Ell) in Integrated Science Through Sheltered Instruction Abstract of The Performance of English Language Learners (Ell) in Integrated Science Through Sheltered Instruction Integrated science plays a vital role in Nigerian Science Education programme because it prepares pupils at the Junior Secondary School level for a study of core…
Language and National Development Challenges and Impediments in a Multilingual Society Chapter One of Language and National Development Challenges and Impediments in a Multilingual Society INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Human Beings are social animals and language is an instrument of the society which is acculturated into a given society. Through the instrumentality of…
The Mythological Icons in Amos Tutuola the Palm-wine Drinkard Abstract of The Mythological Icons in Amos Tutuola the Palm-wine Drinkard This project explores the Amos Tutuola’s Palm – Wine Drinkard in terms of it’s use of mythological icons. In particular, the project seeks to explore the novel as an important artifact and a literary product of…
Mother Tongue (Hausa) Interference on the Syntax of Second Language (English) Chapter One of Mother Tongue (Hausa) Interference on the Syntax of Second Language (English) INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Language is generally used for the purpose of interaction among people in the society. It is also used to differentiate people by sex, age…
A Study of Ideological Embedding in the Guardian and Daily Trust Editorials Abstract of A Study of Ideological Embedding in the Guardian and Daily Trust Editorials This work is a study of ideology and its workings in two Nigerian Newspapers: The Guardian and Daily Trust using Modality as the analytical element. Modality as a property oflanguage use is generally…