Construction of Kerosine Cooking Stove

Construction of Kerosine Cooking Stove

Construction of Kerosine Cooking Stove


Abstract of Construction of Kerosine Cooking Stove

The purpose of the construction is aimed at producing heat energy for commercial use by turning liquid fuel(kerosene).the construction was successful by appropriate selection of engineering material favourably mild steel(blacksheet) and steel iron for special p2rts.

The technological properties passed by the chosen mild steel are; machinability ,weldability,durability,andformability.mech2nude properties includem2llebillity,duetility,st2tic strength and high tensile strength .

The sequence of operation followed by the construction are; Literature review, material selection-fabrication evaluation and possible redesign and modification. The fabrication processes of the metallic material includes the making out, cutting bending hammering, joining, welding, grazing, smothering and finally printing.

A consideration of the operational environment which the store will function was taken into account and a material selection which has the ability of being prevented by coating from corrosion –mild steel was chosen.

After the construction, the operational efficiency was tested and is 92% effective that is, produces bluish flame which indicates that the aim of the construction was achieved.

The costing, which is the overriding factors, was tabulated headed under material costing labour costing and overhead costing.

Mode of operation of the store and the precautionary measure was also included in order to give the store a maximum service life.


Chapter One of Construction of Kerosine Cooking Stove


Effective Construction and the utilization of engineering materials lies on the appropriate selection of materials.  Materials properties very from one engineering material to another, and is based on these properties that materials are selected for a particular construction.  Many factors are to be considered if selection of materials will be affected; these facture.


A.              The mechanical properties such as

(i)                             Strength – tensile strength

(ii)                           Stiffness – elastic modulus

(iii)                         Toughness – fracture resistance

(iv)                         Hardness – wear resistance

(v)                           Fatique resistance

(vi)                         Creep resistance

B.              The availability of the material

C.              The workability of the material – machinability  weldability, fabrication, forging.

D.              The cost of the material which includes;

Cost pf Installation; cost of maintenance; cost of fabrication; cost of replacement

E.               The stability of the material.

In chemical process such as the one required in kerosene cooking, stove- the mixture of fuel (kerosene) with air, the overriding factor in the selection of stove materials is the ability of the selected materials to resist corrosion.

Engineering materials Includes metals,

Plastics (polymer) and ceramics.  For the purpose of our basic concern – construction of stove, we will be limited or streamlined to metals alone.

After considering the various material properties and its associated factors, the following are selectively considered; low carbon steel, medium carbon steel, high carbon steel, galvanized steel, stainless steel and metallic rod.

The use of kerosene store at homes and industries a source of heat and for heating substances has played a vital role in the fulfillment of man’s existence; that is had performed specific functions.

Until the recent development of technology which lead to the refining of crude oil into various fraction – kerosene, the use of firewood, coal and other fossile fuels materials has been the only source of cooking or heat energy in Nigeria.

The design and construction of cooking stove is made in such a way that it provides the four basic elements of combustion without which purpose for construction cannot be maximized.

In order to provide for the basic element of combustion, the system is built to contain many components the most important being the burner.

Kerosene serves as the main component of aviation fuel for jet engines. In many developing countries, kerosene is the next to fire wood in domestic application.

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