Code of Business Conduct and Organisational Performance. (a Case Study of Access Bank Plc)

Code of Business Conduct and Organisational Performance. (a Case Study of Access Bank Plc)

Code of Business Conduct and Organisational Performance. (a Case Study of Access Bank Plc)


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 Steinberg (1994) postulate that code of conduct in code of conduct encompasses such areas as integrity, honesty and fairness in the conduct of firms’ business activities. The social corporate responsibility of firms includes the need to conduct itself in an ethically responsible manner so as to win the public confidence and be able to impact positively on the wider society (Akinbayo, 2000). This in itself exceeds the usual profit maximization objective of the firm.
It is believed that the observance of a code of conduct will benefit the organization especially in the long run. Code of conduct as defined by the national institute of the management consist of set of moral principle adopted by organization to regulate and guide the organization and its employees in the conduct of its ordinary business activities, both internally and externally. According to Arlow, R. and Ulrich, T. A (2000), the codes of conduct specifies what is regarded as right conduct to be exhibited in the course of the organizations Business activities. A well-written code of conduct clarifies and links the organization’s mission, values and principles, with standards of professional conduct. The code states the expected standard of behavior for managers and employees of the organization and serve as benchmarks against which individual and organizational performance can be measured. The code of conduct also serves as a guide and reference point for employees in their day-to-day decision making. A code provides the means for settling issues of misunderstanding and facilitates compliance. The code of conduct exacts honest and fair behavior and the display of equity in interpersonal, professional and academic relationship which leads to the respect for the dignity, diversity and the right of individual and groups of people. Legan, (2000). The code serves as an internal and external guideline to enhance corporate values and commitments. Externally, a code serves several important purposes such as enhancing Compliance, facilitate Marketing growth as it provides the customers confidence on the firm’s products and mitigate the risk of loss of public goodwill and patronage. Consequently, the performance of the firm is enhanced for greater profitability and market standing. The study seeks to appraise the code of Business conduct and organizational performance. A case study of Access Bank Plc.


The challenges of illegal and unethical business practices among employee and mangers of many organizations constitute the essence for the formulation and enforcement of codes of conduct in the conduct of the ordinary business transaction of many organizations. Therefore, the code of conduct serves as a guide in dealing with ethical issues challenging them. It is apparent that many employees and business managers engage in activities which do not enhance the attainment of the corporate objective of the firm and are wrong in the light of the code of conduct of the firm. The problem confronting the study is to appraise the code of Business conduct and organizational performance. A case study of Access Bank Plc.


The Main Objective of the study is to proffer an appraisal on the code of Business conduct and organizational performance. A case study of Access Bank Plc; The specific objectives include:

  1. To examine the relationship between code of business conduct and organizational performance of Access Bank Plc.
  2. To investigate the effects of code of business conduct on organizational performance of Access Bank Plc.
  3. To understand the ways to enhance code of business conduct in Access Bank.


    i.        What is the relationship between code of business conduct and organizational performance of Access Bank Plc?

   ii.        What are the effects of code of business conduct on organizational performance of Access Bank Plc?

 iii.        What are the ways to enhance code of business conduct in Access Bank?


Ho1: There is no significant relationship between code of business conduct and organizational performance of Access Bank Plc.


The study proffers an appraisal on the code of Business conduct and organizational performance. A case study of Access Bank Plc. It provides relevant data for the effective formulation and implementation of policies to enhance the realization of envisaged objective.


The study proffers an appraisal on the code of Business conduct and organizational performance. A case study of Access Bank Plc.


The study was confronted with logistics and geographical factors.



Code of conduct as defined by the national institute of the management consist of set of moral principle adopted by organization to regulate and guide the organization and its employees in the conduct of its ordinary business activities, both internally and externally. According to cole, (1996), the codes of conduct specifies what is regarded as right conduct to be exhibited in the course of the organizations Business activities.


Social sustainability constitutes the formal and informal processes; structures; systems; and relationships which facilitates the capacity of current and future generations to create and maintain a healthy and liveable environment. Socially sustainable goal focuses on providing an equitable, diverse, connected and democratic and good quality of life.


Certification is a process of giving recognition to an individual for passing a prescribed examination.


Education is viewed as the process of inviting truth and possibility. It is the wise, hopeful and respectful cultivation of learning undertaken in the belief that all should have the chance to share in life.





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