Bibliographic Information on Taxation in Nigeria (2008-2014)

Bibliographic Information on Taxation in Nigeria (2008-2014)

Bibliographic Information on Taxation in Nigeria (2008-2014)


Chapter One of Bibliographic Information on Taxation in Nigeria (2008-2014)


This complication dealt with taxation as a subject, its principles objectives, classes, purpose and effect in any given economy weather.

Taxation is a compulsory but non-punitive levy on properties, income of individual and co-operation bodies. The money raised there constitutes part of source of finance for general government expenditure in the economy. It involves transfer of resources or income from private sector to the public sector in order to accomplish or achieve some of the major economic social and economic responsibilities under taken by the government.

Taxation according to the encyclopedia is the process by which the people pay for the expenses of the government.

System of taxation taxes are classified as progressive proportional or regressive according to the percentage of income they take as income raises or fails.

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