A Comparative Study of Numeric Systems of English and Hausa Languages

A Comparative Study of Numeric Systems of English and Hausa Languages               Chapter One of A Comparative Study of Numeric Systems of English and Hausa Languages Introduction This work is a comparative study of the numeric system of two of the most widely spoken languages not only in Nigeria but Africa and the world as…

A Contrastive Analysis of the Sentence Structure of English and Igarra Languages

A Contrastive Analysis of the Sentence Structure of English and Igarra Languages   Abstract of A Contrastive Analysis of the Sentence Structure of English and Igarra Languages This research work is divided into five sections. Section 1- 5 and are referred to as Chapters wheel the last part deal with bibliography. The first chapter is…

A Critical Evaluation of Two of the Theories of Language Acquisition: (Behaviourism and Mentalism)

A Critical Evaluation of Two of the Theories of Language Acquisition (Behaviourism and Mentalism)   Chapter One of A Critical Evaluation of Two of the Theories of Language Acquisition (Behaviourism and Mentalism) INTRODUCTION Background Statement Language forms the fundamental function of communication. As social beings, we use it as our medium of communication to help…

A Lexico-semantic Study of the Language of Advertisement in Pidgin English

A Lexico-semantic Study of the Language of Advertisement in Pidgin English   Abstract of A Lexico-semantic Study of the Language of Advertisement in Pidgin English This work concern on how the meaning of the words/lexis can be utilized in the language of advertisement in Pidgin English. Furthermore, the result shows that Nigerian pidgin have a…

A Linguistics Analysis of Television Talk Show

A Linguistics Analysis of Television Talk Show   Abstract of A Linguistics Analysis of Television Talk Show This study seeks to make a linguistic analysis of television talk show, a case study of NTA Kaduna with the aim of describing the nature of its dialogue, providing an assessment of it, and exposing the peculiarities therein….

A Pedagogical Analysis of Teaching English as a Second Language

A Pedagogical Analysis of Teaching English as a Second Language   Abstract of A Pedagogical Analysis of Teaching English as a Second Language This study aims to present a particular view of second language pedagogy. Teaching English as a second language is a quite complex task for a teacher. Language learning should be more fun…

A Pragmartics Analysis of Negation in Selected U.s and Nigerian Presidental Speeches

A Pragmartics Analysis of Negation in Selected U.s and Nigerian Presidental Speeches   Abstract of A Pragmartics Analysis of Negation in Selected U.s and Nigerian Presidental Speeches This Study analyses and discusses the pragmatically negation in selected U.S and Nigerian presidential speeches. It first examined the process of speaking as a form of intimated and…

Ambiguities in Newspaper Headlines

Ambiguities in Newspaper Headlines   Abstract of Ambiguities in Newspaper Headlines This project analyses semantic ambiguous headlines stating their communicative effectiveness with regards to print media. Using data from Vanguard and Daily Trust newspapers, the study discovered that ambiguities are prevalent in the newspaper headlines as a result of various manipulations on sentences and lexical choice. This leads to…

Comparative Study of English and Hausa Nominal Phrases

Comparative Study of English and Hausa Nominal Phrases   Abstract of Comparative Study of English and Hausa Nominal Phrases This research studies the occurrence of the constructions and functions of NPs in English and Hausa languages, and finds out the similarities and differences that exist between them. Data are collected from primary and secondary sources,…

Correlation Between English Language and Literature– in – English

Correlation Between English Language and Literature– in – English   Abstract of Correlation Between English Language and Literature– in – English This study examined the Correlation between English – language and literature – English: A case study of MELL, UDUS, Sokoto. The research centers on finding out the reason why most students in tertiary institutions…

Incorrect Punctuation, as a Cause of Ambiguity and Misunderstanding in Written Communication

Incorrect Punctuation, as a Cause of Ambiguity and Misunderstanding in Written Communication   Abstract of Incorrect Punctuation, as a Cause of Ambiguity and Misunderstanding in Written Communication Ambiguity is a linguistic phenomenon in which more than one meaning, or deep structure, may be represented by the same expression, or surface structure; the same word or…

Interrogating the Northern Nigerian Society

Interrogating the Northern Nigerian Society   Abstract of Interrogating the Northern Nigerian Society This research work deals mainly with interrogating the Northern Nigerian Society, a case study of Habiba by Razinat T Muhammad. This project contains four chapters. Chapter one comprises the introduction, Aims and objectives, Significance of the study, Statement of the problem, scope and limitation…

Language of Persuasion: an Examination of Governor Aliyu Wamakko’s Selected Speeches

Language of Persuasion an Examination of Governor Aliyu Wamakko’s Selected Speeches   Abstract of Language of Persuasion an Examination of Governor Aliyu Wamakko’s Selected Speeches This research work focuses on the language of persuasion by examining some selected speeches of Governor Aliyu Magatakurda Wamakko. It has been carefully observed that the Sokoto state Governor is…

Lexico-semantic Nigerianism in Nigerian Newspapers

Lexico-semantic Nigerianism in Nigerian Newspapers   Chapter One of Lexico-semantic Nigerianism in Nigerian Newspapers GENERAL INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND TO STUDY The English language in Nigeria is older than the Nigerian nation. It was formally introduced in 1842 by the first batch of missionaries who arrived in Badagry to evangelize as well as educate Nigerians (Tomori, 1981)….

Literary Stylistic Analysis of Labo Yari’s a Day Without Cockcrow

Literary Stylistic Analysis of Labo Yari’s a Day Without Cockcrow   Abstract of Literary Stylistic Analysis of Labo Yari’s a Day Without Cockcrow The primary focus and interest of stylistics has been the analysis of style in any instance of language use, it examines both oral discourse and written text in order to ascertain the…

Mother Tongue (Hausa) Interference on the Syntax of Second Language (English)

Mother Tongue (Hausa) Interference on the Syntax of Second Language (English)   Chapter One of Mother Tongue (Hausa) Interference on the Syntax of Second Language (English) INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Language is generally used for the purpose of interaction among people in the society. It is also used to differentiate people by sex, age…

Power Relations in Courtroom Language

Power Relations in Courtroom Language                        Chapter One of Power Relations in Courtroom Language INTRODUCTION This project is on the power relation in courtroom language. Chapter one covers the general overview of the subject matter. It comprises the background to study, statement of research problems, aim and objective of the study, purpose of the study,…

Problems Associated to Learning Second Language: a Comparative Analysis

Problems Associated to Learning Second Language a Comparative Analysis                Chapter One of Problems Associated to Learning Second Language a Comparative Analysis INTRODUCTION This research work aims at the investigating aspects of language that causes problems in learning second language. Many teachers have conducted researches and discovered some aspects that cause problems in learning second…

Reduplication in Nigerian English

Reduplication in Nigerian English   Abstract of Reduplication in Nigerian English This research work is concerned with reduplication in Nigerian  English from the speeches and utterances of some students in the Department of Modern European Languages and Linguistics, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. The study shows that reduplication occurs to signify contrastive meaning, pluralism, emphasis  and  creation…

Reflecting the Times: a Journey of Self-discovery in Sefi Atta’s Everything Good Will Come

Reflecting the Times a Journey of Self-discovery in Sefi Atta’s Everything Good Will Come   Abstract of Reflecting the Times a Journey of Self-discovery in Sefi Atta’s Everything Good Will Come This research work presents A Journey of Self-Discovery reflecting the times of Sefi Atta’s novel Everything Good Will Come. It has examined the growing up of…

Relevance of Newspaper in Enhancing Reading Ability Among Students

Relevance of Newspaper in Enhancing Reading Ability Among Students   Abstract of Relevance of Newspaper in Enhancing Reading Ability Among Students The research is aim to find out the relevance of reading newspapers among students. The majority of students agree that reading newspapers enhancing their reading ability and its develop their grammatical structure, semantic knowledge…

Semantic Redundancy in Students’ Speeches

Semantic Redundancy in Students’ Speeches   Chapter One of Semantic Redundancy in Students’ Speeches BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY This project is an attempt to study some of the semantic redundancies found in students’ speech. This is with a view to identify some long observed peculiarities in the use of redundancy in the students’ use of…

Subtitling Challenges in Kannywood Movies: Pros and Cons

Subtitling Challenges in Kannywood Movies Pros and Cons   Abstract of Subtitling Challenges in Kannywood Movies Pros and Cons The study aims to draw attention to the need to have correct and appropriate subtitling in Kannywood movies, so as to elevate its status and promote better grasp of its aesthetics. To highlight the historical background…

The Epistle as a Medium of Communication: an Analysis of Abubakar Gimba’s Letters to My Children and Mariama Ba’s So Long a Letter

The Epistle as a Medium of Communication an Analysis of Abubakar Gimba’s Letters to My Children and Mariama Ba’s So Long a Letter   Abstract of The Epistle as a Medium of Communication an Analysis of Abubakar Gimba’s Letters to My Children and Mariama Ba’s So Long a Letter Communication is an act of exchanging…

The Impact of Pidgin English on Students Competence in Nigeria University

The Impact of Pidgin English on Students Competence in Nigeria University   Abstract of The Impact of Pidgin English on Students Competence in Nigeria University This project is an attempt to explore the recurring grave concerning the academic performance of students. Though a large percentage of students in Nigeria learn English as a second language…

The Manifestation of Non Standard Usage of English Among University Students: the Syntactic Perspective

The Manifestation of Non Standard Usage of English Among University Students the Syntactic Perspective   Chapter One of The Manifestation of Non Standard Usage of English Among University Students the Syntactic Perspective Introduction Language is characterized by set of vocal sounds which can be decoded. These are produced by human organs of speech- lips, tongue,…