A Pragmatic Interpretation of Child Language
A Pragmatic Interpretation of Child Language
Abstract of A Pragmatic Interpretation of Child Language
A Pragmatic Interpretation of Child Language
Syntactic Problems Among Igbo Speakers of English Abstract of Syntactic Problems Among Igbo Speakers of English This work is seen to reveal the difficulties and challenges in learning English as a second language especially in non- native background of Igbo speaking students in Lagos state University, (LASU) Ojo. To carry out this exercise, the…
Investigation Into the Disclosure Features in Femi Osofisan’s Midnight Hotel Chapter One of Investigation Into the Disclosure Features in Femi Osofisan’s Midnight Hotel INTRODUCTION Language is the only unique endowment from God to humans, which makes us totally different from other creatures. Though, these other creatures have a language, yet they do not communicate…
Discourse Analysis of Christian Handbills Abstract of Discourse Analysis of Christian Handbills Christian handbills are one of the leading non-verbal means of communication in the society today especially the church handbills and posters. Technically put, posters are very important forms of visual communication. It presents picture(s) with meanings lying behind it. However, there exist…
Dignity or Suppression the Portrayal of Women in Thunderbolt Nollywood Home Video Film Chapter One of Dignity or Suppression the Portrayal of Women in Thunderbolt Nollywood Home Video Film INTRODUCTION Background to the study Film has been in existence since time immemorial, it serves many generations as a tool of understanding and passing across…
Relative Academic Performances of the Students in Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination in English Language and Integrated Science Abstract of Relative Academic Performances of the Students in Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination in English Language and Integrated Science This study was carried out to determine the academic performances of the students in Junior Secondary…
Language and the Quest for Identity a Study of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and Chimamanda Adichie’s Americanah Abstract of Language and the Quest for Identity a Study of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and Chimamanda Adichie’s Americanah Language is an indispensible characteristic of every human society. The language one speaks tells much about…