A Pragmatic Analysis of Proverbs in Selected Works of Ola Rotimi
A Pragmatic Analysis of Proverbs in Selected Works of Ola Rotimi
Abstract of A Pragmatic Analysis of Proverbs in Selected Works of Ola Rotimi
A Pragmatic Analysis of Proverbs in Selected Works of Ola Rotimi
The Differences Between Linguistic and Grammatical Theories Abstract of The Differences Between Linguistic and Grammatical Theories This paper attempts to make a discussion of the differences between linguistic and grammatical theories. Although there exist relationships between grammatical theories and linguistic theories in their attitudes towards language, their goals, and their methods, they are both…
Feminist Perspectives in Ama Ata Aidoo’s Changes and Ifeoma Okoye’s Behind the Clouds Abstract of Feminist Perspectives in Ama Ata Aidoo’s Changes and Ifeoma Okoye’s Behind the Clouds There are different perspectives to gender issues, but this work has limited its review to the womanist perspective in Aidoo’s CHANGES and Okoye’s BEHIND THE CLOUDS. In establishing the perspective,…
African Traditional and Modern Values in the Works of Asare Konadu and Ama Ata Aidoo, Namely a Woman in Her Prime and Changes Chapter One of African Traditional and Modern Values in the Works of Asare Konadu and Ama Ata Aidoo, Namely a Woman in Her Prime and Changes INTRODUCTION Values In ethics, value…
Literature in Northern Nigeria Language and Popular Culture Abstract of Literature in Northern Nigeria Language and Popular Culture This essay delves into the study of literature in northern Nigeria. The study discusses the scope of literature, the region of Northern Nigeria and aspects of its popular culture, and finally goes ahead to examine the…
A Contrastive Analysis of the Sentence Structure of English and Igarra Languages Abstract of A Contrastive Analysis of the Sentence Structure of English and Igarra Languages This research work is divided into five sections. Section 1- 5 and are referred to as Chapters wheel the last part deal with bibliography. The first chapter is…
Oil in Nigerian Prose Fiction a Study of Helon Habila’s Oil on Water and Kaine Agary’s Yellow Yellow Chapter One of Oil in Nigerian Prose Fiction a Study of Helon Habila’s Oil on Water and Kaine Agary’s Yellow Yellow INTRODUCTION Background to the Study Since prehistory, literature and the arts have been drawn to…