A Contrastive Analysis of the Sentence Structure of English and Igarra Languages

A Contrastive Analysis of the Sentence Structure of English and Igarra Languages

A Contrastive Analysis of the Sentence Structure of English and Igarra Languages


Abstract of A Contrastive Analysis of the Sentence Structure of English and Igarra Languages

This research work is divided into five sections. Section 1- 5 and are referred to as Chapters wheel the last part deal with bibliography. The first chapter is background of the study, statement of the problem, statement of hypothesis, purpose of the study, significance of the study and lastly scope and limitation of the topic. The third chapter is concern with Data presentation and the methodology used in carrying out the research findings, population of the study, sampling techniques, source of data collection, tools of data collection, method of data analysis, All procedures followed in data collection are described. The fourth chapter deals with the data analysis. Some of these have been shown clearly in table form while the rest appear in sentences in the form of analysis. The fifth chapter being the last chapter of the research report is composed of the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the research report. The last part of the research work is the bibliography.

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