A Comparative Study of Chemical and Microwave Synthesized Activated Carborn From Corn Cob
A Comparative Study of Chemical and Microwave Synthesized Activated Carborn From Corn Cob
A Comparative Study of Chemical and Microwave Synthesized Activated Carborn From Corn Cob
Development of Baobabsisal Reinforced Low Density Polyethylene Hybrid Composite Abstract of Development of Baobabsisal Reinforced Low Density Polyethylene Hybrid Composite In this work, the properties of baobab/sisal fibre reinforced low density polyethylene hybrid composites were studied. The effect of fibre loading and fibre treatment with varying sodium hydroxide (NaOH)concentration on the composite properties was…
Assessment of Carbon Monoxide (Co) Level in Metropolis Monitoring Industrial and Residential Area Abstract of Assessment of Carbon Monoxide (Co) Level in Metropolis Monitoring Industrial and Residential Area Air pollutions pollutant showed that the extent of spreading depends on the motor vehicle traffic population of the area. This pollution strongly generated through combustion of…
The Effect of Environment on Corrosion Abstract of The Effect of Environment on Corrosion In this research project, the various nail were subjected to six environments so as to check the effect of the environments on corrosion of the nails. Two sets of nails were used; normal nail and concrete nail. Six of each…
Extraction and Formulation of Perfume From Lemongrass Leaves Chapter One of Extraction and Formulation of Perfume From Lemongrass Leaves INTRODUCTION Background Perfume is a fragrant liquid made from an extract that has been distilled in alcohol and water. Since the beginning of recorded history, humans have attempted to mask or enhance their own odor…
Polythene Automatic Sealing Machine Chapter One of Polythene Automatic Sealing Machine INTRODUCTION Polythene Automatic Sealing and cutting machine is a machine that is used to seal and cut polythene into different sizes depending on the required dimension. Polythene is a type of synthetic rubber widely used often as transference sheets for water proof packaging….
Production of Mosquito Repellent Insecticides Using Plant Extracts INTRODUCTION Malaria is one of the commonest and major parasitic infections of public health interest in the globe especially in the tropics and sub-tropics. It still remains the principal cause of morbidity and mortality in all sub-saharan countries up to this day. Malaria accounts for 10%…