A Comparative Study of Chemical and Microwave Synthesized Activated Carborn From Corn Cob
A Comparative Study of Chemical and Microwave Synthesized Activated Carborn From Corn Cob
A Comparative Study of Chemical and Microwave Synthesized Activated Carborn From Corn Cob
Interface Monitoring and Analysis of Pipeline and Products Marketing Company Limited Abstract of Interface Monitoring and Analysis of Pipeline and Products Marketing Company Limited This research was carried out with the sole aim of monitoring interface in the transportation of petroleum pipeline products and the analysis of this product from Enugu depot. In the…
Fabrication of Candle Mould With Twenty Four (24) Holes Abstract of Fabrication of Candle Mould With Twenty Four (24) Holes The candle mould has twenty four (24) holes which could produce twenty four (24) quality candle sticks Aluminum, a non ferrous metal was used as the construction material for the mould the type of…
Temperature and Water Requirement for Leaching of Caustic Alkali From ‘ngu’ Abstract of Temperature and Water Requirement for Leaching of Caustic Alkali From ‘ngu’ The production and analysis of “Ngu” extract for temperature and water requirement for leaching of casuistic alkali is the basic objective of this project. The production was carried out by using…
Comparative Analysis of Coal, Fuel Oil and Natural Gas for Cement Production Abstract of Comparative Analysis of Coal, Fuel Oil and Natural Gas for Cement Production This study is a comparative analysis of the use of coal, fuel oil and natural gas for cement production noting their physical and chemical properties, cost and availability,…
Preservation of Palm Wine Using Ultraviolet Radiation Abstract of Preservation of Palm Wine Using Ultraviolet Radiation This study was aimed at the preservation of palm wine using ultraviolet radiation. The experiments were done using an ultraviolet sterilizer at time intervals of 2, 4,7,25 and 29hours. The freshly tapped palm wine was first analyzed and…
Formulation and Production of Levera Soap Abstract of Formulation and Production of Levera Soap The production of the soap was carried out using all the necessary equipments like the reactor, mould, stirrer, hygrometer guage etc. and all the required reagents for soap production in correct proportion. In the production, palm kernel oil (P.K.O) was…